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Mind Gym | 6 Week Mental Fitness Course

Mental Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is a massive part of FCMS culture and we strive to ensure all our staff have access to someone to speak to and the facilities in place to help them flourish.

Minds Matter

We have previously reached out to the organisation ‘Minds Matter’ which focuses on mental health. The organisation offer courses and tools to assist in improving mental wellbeing in the workplace such as the mental health first aider course.

FCMS has only a 20% male demographic compared to that of females, so Lee McGlynn, our chief operating officer, wanted to provide the time and space for the men within the organisation to come forward to talk about their mental health and any difficulties they experience on a day-to-day basis. The 6-week Mind Gym course presented itself as the perfect opportunity to do this, with Johnny Lawless and Shaun Lunt leading the sessions. Those in attendance were provided with the tools and tips they could implement into their lives to help them combat negative thoughts and feelings.

“I do my bit and what I’ve learned from Mind Gym to help others as well, so it’s been very beneficial to me and my circle of friends”

Adrian Toomer | Attendee

Take a look at the below video and see what the guys had to say about the course ⬇

Minds Matter (

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