Workplace Diagnostic Screening

On site employee diagnostic screening services

FCMS is an experienced and trusted provider of diagnostic services

We offer in house screening for organisations looking to offer diagnostic services as part of their staff wellbeing programme 

Packages can be tailored to the needs of your organisation so please get in contact to discuss

Take a look below at what services we offer 


Can help to detect a heart problem by providing accurate pictures of the structure within the heart using ultrasound. Painless, non-invasive and takes approx. 20 mins


An ECG records the electrical activity of the heart and highlights any abnormalities. They are non-invasive tests that provide key information about heart health

Non-obstetric Ultrasound

28% of workforce absences relate to musculoskeletal issues. An MSK ultrasound scan help diagnose these often chronic problems and facilitate treatment


Tests are completed in the workplace minimising travel and wait times

Results can be shared with a workplace or individual’s GP for onward referral and treatment

Early detection & prevention programmes show a real commitment to employee health & wellbeing

Scott Williams

Head of Diagnostics

FCMS Diagnostics services are proud to be ISO 9001 accredited and our echocardiography service has been BSE accredited since 2014

Visit our main Diagnostics page to find out more about what we do

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