
Our Complex Lives service is all about tackling health inequalities and removing barriers to accessing healthcare

The team is full of people that want to make a real difference by supporting some of the most vulnerable in our communities to receive the care they need to improve their lives and wellbeing

As a social enterprise healthcare provider, these bespoke services are at the core of FCMS’ social purpose and we take pride in exploring new ways of delivering exceptional, accessible and inclusive care for our Complex Lives patients 

Take a look below to find out more about some of the amazing services we provide…

Homeless Health Hub

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Since January 2021 our Complex Lives team has provided a Homeless Health service across the Fylde Coast

We understand the barriers and challenges that might prevent a homeless person from accessing care and tailor this service to best suit the needs of the local community

Clinics can take place at fixed locations such as community centres or health centres and we can also  use our mobile bus for outreach drop-in appointments

Our service delivery is supported by close links to primary and secondary care services and working alongside specialist health and care partners such as Horizon, support workers, housing providers, Changing Futures and many more

Whether it’s providing wound care services, cervical screening, health checks or any other type of care the team looks to build a lasting trust and rapport with our patients. We ensure they are comfortable, well informed, and happy with the care they receive

We are proud that our team’s fantastic work has been recognised through shortlisting for both the Health Inequalities Award at the 2022 NW Research & Innovation Awards, as well as the Public Health Nursing Award at the Nursing Times Awards 2022

Special Allocation Scheme

Since 2017 FCMS has been providing Special Allocation Services across Lancashire and South Cumbria for patients who are unable to receive treatment from a mainstream GP practice

This service is effectively a dynamic GP practice that offers traditional primary care services and ensures patients are not prevented from accessing any care or treatment they might need. The team works to develop an understanding of each of our patients and aims to build a trusting supportive relationship via a service that is tailored to meet their individual needs

We offer remote consultations, as well as face to face appointments across a range of clinical sites, including use of our mobile clinic. Our multidisciplinary team is supported by Patient Liaison Officers to ensure all patients receive the right level of care in the most appropriate local setting

FCMS has delivered special allocation schemes for over 5 years, and in doing so we have established robust relationships, systems and expertise, all of which informs our approach to service delivery and development

Our Complex Lives unit provides a range of additional services including:

Supporting the Changing Futures programme

We provide an outreach nurse to support Changing Futures in North Lancashire. Working alongside multiple specialist partners, we help Changing Futures with their goal of identifying and treating patients experiencing multiple disadvantages – which typically includes combinations of homelessness, substance misuse, mental health issues, domestic abuse and contact with the criminal justice system

Health checks and GP consultations for asylum seekers

Since late 2021 we have utilised our Complex Lives service to support asylum seekers in Blackpool by proactively visiting to provide health checks and arrange for onward referral as appropriate

In 2023 and 2024 we delivered a two phase pilot programme GP consultation service for asylum seekers in temporary accommodation. This service won the Health Inequalities Award at the 2024 UHUK Awards

FCMS recently won the Health Inequalities Award at the UHUK Awards!

Our nomination highlighted the amazing work that our Complex Lives team have been doing to develop and provide a GP consultation service to asylum seekers in temporary accommodation in Blackpool.

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